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You can share any item within Workflowy.

When you share an item, the bullet will have a blue ring, this lets you know the item is being shared.

Each item can have its own permissions, the permissions for the nested items will be the same as the bullet that contains them.

People that view shared items via secret link do not need to log in or have a Workflowy account so this is a great option when sharing with non-Workflowy users.

Share something

You can share from the bullet menu, the share button in the menu bar, and using a slash command

1. Open the bullet menu for the item that you want to share
2. Click on “Share” in the bullet menu

This will display the share panel. From here you can choose to share via a secret link or by inviting users with their email address.

Share with specific people

You can invite users to access an item using their email address. Each user you invite can have their own permissions and you can change them at any moment. You can remove a user you invite at any moment.

1. Open the bullet menu for the item you want to invite users to
2. Click on “Share” in the bullet menu
3. In the sharing panel, enter the email of a person you want to share with
4. Choose the permissions for that person from the dropdown
5. Click “Invite

You will see the text "invited" next to the email of invited users. The invited user will receive an email inviting them to signup for Workflowy to view the shared item. Once the user creates an account, the text in the share panel will read "accepted".