
Need help? Learn to set up the zapier integration.

Google contacts

Imagine you're a productivity coach that connects with clients via email. Now whenever a new client reaches out to you and you add them to your contact list, a new entry is added to your CRM board in Workflowy where one of your team members can start building out a profile and customized plan for them - ready for your next video call with them.

Google contacts

Google contacts + Workflowy

Use this zap

How to use this integration

Create a new profile in google contacts to have it sent to your Workflowy account.

  1. Click 'Use this zap'
  2. Connect Google contacts to zapier
  3. Choose the event to monitor
  4. Test the trigger
  5. Connect your Workflowy account (need your api key?)
  6. Set 'Name First - Name Last' as the Title and 'Emails Work' as the Note (Plus any other that make sense for you)
  7. Test your zap
  8. Publish your zap