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Google drive upload

Perfect for situations where you’re constantly receiving google docs – for example a teacher receiving homework assignments from students. You no longer need to constantly check your google drive or email to see if someone has sent you the document or not. Everything gets sent directly to your Workflowy account and you get the additional benefit of having a backup copy.

Google drive upload

Google drive + Workflowy

Use this zap

How to use this integration

After you've connected your google drive to zapier, you can upload files and have them automatically linked to in your Workflowy account.

  1. Click 'Use this zap'
  2. Connect google drive to zapier
  3. Choose the drive and folder you want to monitor
  4. Test the trigger
  5. Connect your Workflowy account (need your api key?)
  6. Set 'Title - Created Date' as the Title and 'Embed Link' as the note
  7. Test your zap
  8. Publish your zap