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2023 Review and goals template

Review how your 2022 went and plan for 2023 by setting achievable goals.

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The "🔭  Dashboard" section is where you'll fill out your information.
It consists of 6 different sections that should help you think about the different areas of your life.
You don't need to fill each section, and you should feel free to add additional sections if they're important for you.
By using a table, we can easily see the current status of an area, what we set out to do, what we achieved, and what we want to do next.


The review section is a place for you to take some time to think deeply about the different areas of your life.
Specifically, list down any goals you've achieved, progress you've made, or lessons you've learned.
You might realize you don't have much to say about a given section. Let that prompt a goal for 2023.
The idea is to get you thinking about what's changed these last 12 months and what you want to do this year based on that.


The goal section is about what you want to achieve or make progress on during these next 12 months.
When writing down your goals, make sure that they're specific, actionable, and time-bound.
For each goal, also consider what the next actionable step towards that might be. You'll need that for the next section.


"Goals are good for setting a direction but systems are best for making progress." - James Clear, author of Atomic Habits.
This section is about figuring out how you're going to achieve your goal.
One of the best ways to do this is by incorporating a system to ensure you make regular, steady progress  
That could be by setting time aside each day, combining an enjoyable activity with a less enjoyable one, or coming up with a reward system.
The idea is that you don't just stop at setting a goal but figure out how to actually get the ball rolling in a way that keeps it going without much effort.

How to use the template

The bullet journal template has two main sections, the calendar, and the monthly '⏳ Future' sections.

The calendar - A long list of months with each month containing the days for that month. You'll add your tasks, notes and events under each day.

The future logs - Each month has a '⏳ Future' section that serves as a placeholder for activities that should be completed during that month but do not yet have a specific date.

The monthly log allows you to view all the events for a given month. You create this view by clicking on the bullet for the current month and then clicking on the star ⭐️ to save that view in the left hand sidebar.

The daily log allows you to quickly jump to today and work on the day's tasks and events, and add notes. You create this view by searching for 'Today' in the menu bar and then clicking on the star ⭐️ to save that view in the left hand sidebar.

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