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Atomic habits template

Weekly habit template based on James Clear's book Atomic Habits.

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About this Template

What are Atomic Habits?

James Clear's book Atomic Habits is on the influence that little habits have on our life.

The book discusses how to develop and sustain healthy habits while breaking negative ones, as well as how modest, gradual adjustments in behavior can have a big impact on our lives. For setting objectives, monitoring advancement, and fostering an environment that encourages habit formation, Clear offers helpful guidance and techniques.

The importance of comprehending one's own psychology as well as the part that emotions and motivation play in habit formation is also emphasized in the book. The overarching thesis of the book is that minute, atomic habits must be consistently practiced in order to produce long-lasting change, not great, dramatic action.

How to use the atomic habits template?

This template gives you a simple way to track your habits on a weekly basis. In the Weekly habit agenda, simply duplicate the habit cards, one for each new habit you're trying to establish, and put them in the column for the corresponding day of the week.

Once you've laid out the structure for the week, turn the entire agenda into a template by adding "#template" next to the title of the agenda. This will turn your entire board into a template button that you can click to duplicate, rename and fill out each week. This way you don't need to create the board each week manually.

How to use the template

The bullet journal template has two main sections, the calendar, and the monthly '⏳ Future' sections.

The calendar - A long list of months with each month containing the days for that month. You'll add your tasks, notes and events under each day.

The future logs - Each month has a '⏳ Future' section that serves as a placeholder for activities that should be completed during that month but do not yet have a specific date.

The monthly log allows you to view all the events for a given month. You create this view by clicking on the bullet for the current month and then clicking on the star ⭐️ to save that view in the left hand sidebar.

The daily log allows you to quickly jump to today and work on the day's tasks and events, and add notes. You create this view by searching for 'Today' in the menu bar and then clicking on the star ⭐️ to save that view in the left hand sidebar.

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